COVID 19 Stay Home Dental Hygiene

COVID 19 maybe one of the most popular googled word at this moment. Essentially its a virus that has infected more than 1million worldwide. Based on current evidence, generally population with some underlying condition like hypertension, diabetics, lung disease, kidney disease and autoimmune disease tend to get it worse. COVID 19 works like a chain, in that, a healthy individual may be a carrier without even knowing and spread the virus to a contact who is a higher risk to die from the virus.

In a respond to that, Singapore started our circuit breaking measures from 7th April 2020 and the population is urged to stay home unless they are working in essential services or going out for essential errands like buying food and grocery. Dental clinic is classified as an essential services and I will be working during this circuit breaking period to ensure that dental needs for my existing patients are addressed if deemed suitable to carry out dental treatment according to MOH guideline. Also, we will be there for emergency or urgent dental treatment for new patients as well, subjected to suitability based on MOH guideline.

While we are opened, prepared and well equipped to see patients, I would like to urge people to stay at home and I will use this circuit breaking opportunity to share some home care dental tips.

  1. Brushing twice a day and floss once a day.

  2. Airfloss, waterpik and small interdental brush are possible alternative if you may find flossing difficult to ensure you can clean in between teeth.

  3. Mouthwash maybe a good alternative if you are experiencing mild swollen gum at this moment. Swollen gum maybe a sign of something more serious so do contact your dentist.

  4. if you are experiencing dental pain, do contact your dentist to check if its an urgent condition that may require urgent attention.

Given the present situation, it is prudent to wash your hand with soap before carrying out any dental hygiene procedures.

For my Invisalign patients who are working at home, aligners in, food out!
Keep the aligners in to snack less! You have a good barrier to cut down snacking!
Do also, wash your hand with soap before removing and taking out the aligners.

Stay at home, stay safe and stay healthy!